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How Anti-Inflammatory Compounds Can Help You With Your Chronic Conditions?

 Do you find yourself ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’ with pain in the mornings? Are you always tired and fatigued? You are not the only one who is experiencing these problems. These aches and pains are caused by a protective bodily response called inflammation. Inflammation is caused by any kind of stress like chronic injuries, lack of sleep, health conditions, poor diet, and lifestyle changes. Although inflammation may have many causes, it ultimately results in chronic aches and pains that are difficult to diagnose and just as difficult to treat. 

Treatment Starts With Dietary Control 

Most patients try anti-inflammatory drugs to control the aches and pains. However, long-term use of these drugs like NSAIDs can result in serious health issues. Most doctors recommend complete dietary control as the first step to controlling inflammation. By eating a balanced diet, the patient can control chronic health conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes, which may be causing the inflammation. A study by the National Institute on Aging showed that eating in moderation resulted in a healthier immune system with fewer inflammatory reactions in the body. Researchers also know that some foods can exacerbate inflammation. For example, foods containing arachidonic acid like organic meats, tomatoes, beef, and eggs usually do aggravate inflammation. By maintaining a food diary, it is possible to cut out all food items that are exacerbating the inflammatory response. 

Adding Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Your Diet 

Anti-inflammatory foods could help you as well. Foods like fatty fish, fermented and cultured foods, mushrooms, garlic, soy, ginger and walnuts are particularly recommended by nutritionists. However, one of the cheapest and most beneficial sources of anti-inflammatory compounds is Moringa Oleifera.  

The leafy tree is famous for its tremendous nutritional value. Apart from its nutritional value, the tree also contains more than 36 anti-inflammatory compounds like Arginine, betasitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid, chlorophyll, glutathione, histidine, zeatin, kaempferal, rutin, selenium, and methionine. Studies have shown that these compounds could help patients suffering from inflammatory health condition like Chrons disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, etc. Due to the strong anti-inflammatory properties, Moringa supplements are also recommended for patients who suffer from chronic aches and pains.  


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